I always thought of myself as having a normal childhood. My parents brought me up in a Christian home and I was protected for the most part. I was a “daddy’s girl” that he was so proud of. I loved my life and never went without. I made good grades without really even studying, but I always felt the need to fit in. As a teenager, that need to fit in grew even greater.
When my friends started experimenting with drugs and alcohol I went right along with them. It was not long before I realized how much I liked the way the drugs made me feel. They altered my state of mind enough to where I did not care as much about how I looked, how I felt, or the consequences that the drug use might bring. I experimented with every kind of drug and used them frequently to numb any pain.
At my lowest point in June 2015, I decided to take my own life because the drugs were not taking away the pain of living anymore. My suicide attempt was unsuccessful and my life was still in shambles. I went to jail in September and realized that I wanted something different.
I had heard about Teen Challenge at my home church, but had pending legal issues. God made a way for me to come to Teen Challenge of the Upper Cumberland, putting my attorney in touch with Miss Chelsea. Since being here I have realized that Teen Challenge was God appointed for me. My eyes have been opened to all of the great things that God has for me in my life. I have found hope when I thought that there was none. I am learning to love myself for the person God has created me to be. I am not sure what God’s plan is for my life, but I am pretty sure it will be serving in the ministry. I want to serve God in any way that I can. Teen Challenge is teaching me about a life filled with joy and happiness and about how to be that godly parent that my son deserves. I am very excited to see what God has in store for me for the rest for my life.