Think about it. Are you providing adequate drug abuse prevention education for your community?
From the establishment of Adult & Teen Challenge in the Upper Cumberland community, Pastor Tim McLauchlin and other leaders knew that only treating the symptoms of substance abuse would never be enough. The United States has now spent more than a trillion dollars on the War on Drugs with hardly any change, and the number of deaths from drug overdose continues to rise. Rather than incarceration, drug abuse prevention and education is the answer.
Adult & Teen Challenge of the Upper Cumberland launched the use of a program called Stay Sharp in Middle Tennessee. Started as a teen-focused curriculum and presentation from Adult & Teen Challenge USA, Stay Sharp was created to address youth in school assembly, classroom, and church youth groups. This dynamic video presentation is paired with presenters sharing personal stories of their introduction to drugs and the destructive journey it lead them on. In school settings, the young adult presenters have walked in the students’ shoes and are able to make a relevant connection.
This high energy drug prevention presentation is designed to educate groups on drug and alcohol abuse and the negative consequences of these choices. The video address the Facts, the Lies and the Costs of addiction. It addresses the facts and the effects of drug use from the perspective of those who have gone through it themselves. Recently, Adult & Teen Challenge of the Upper Cumberland has expanded this drug prevention program beyond adolescent audiences. Workplaces, churches, and community centers can schedule a Stay Sharp event at their organization!
Adult & Teen Challenge and Stay Sharp endeavors to reach as many people across the nation as possible. The voices that are speaking loudest in today’s media and culture are negating and destructive and communicating lies about drug use. These influences are speaking loudly. repeatedly, and clearly to the hearts and minds of this generation. It is our responsibility to communicate truth and hope and the right path to a free and healthy life!
Stay Sharp purposes to:
Engage hearts and minds through a visual encounter.
Educate about the dangers and consequences of drug and alcohol abuse.
Equip individuals to make healthy choices.
Empower with truth and hope.
Stay Sharp‘s message is fact-based with no religious components. The message is focused on imparting knowledge with the intent of preventing drug and alcohol addictions. Stay Sharp is presented free of charge as an outreach of Adult & Teen Challenge of the Upper Cumberland. To learn more about the Stay Sharp Program or to schedule an event for your organization, call 888-688-0470.