Since coming here, I have rededicated my life to Christ.  I have been completely delivered from my addiction.  God has taken me by the hand and is ministering to me daily.  He is repairing my brokenness.  Most of all, I have been forgiven.  I am a child of God and I have a peace and joy that I never had before.  I am no longer bitter and broken, but I have been made whole and am full of joy.  I trust God to heal every part of me, and restore back to me what was lost.  I know with God that anything is possible, and that I can face any obstacles in my life knowing He is there by my side.

After graduation, I would like to stay connected to this ministry any way that I can.  I want to rebuild my life on the foundation of Jesus Christ.  I want to finish what I started with my children, and I want to lead my grandchildren to Jesus.  I want to show others that you, too, can walk in freedom and trust that God’s got the perfect plan for your life.  I want to be a light and show others that God will never leave you nor forsake you.  The verse that I stand on is Joshua 1:9, “I have commanded you, be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God is with you wherever you go.”